11Nov 2015




Shared Hosting Plan Frequently Asked Questions

shared web hosting FAQs, Dubai

What is shared hosting?

Simple one line answer for this question is that in shared hosting, more then one consumers’s website are hosted at a one physical server and cost of that server spread among all of its users.

Is Shared Hosting is good for starting New site?

Yes! For Starting or initial web sites shared web hosting is good choice because its cost is low, and for beginners demands of disk spaces and large bandwidth are always low that’s why its good for newbie site owners.

What companies use Shared Starter Hosting plans?

  • Normally, you should considered shared hosting of:
  • You are holding a broacher site or a static page website.
  • You have no current or immediate need for a content managed website
  • You are not in need of a huge content website.
  • You only need PHP websites and do not need Windows ASP servers
  • You are not dealing with data site and requirement of bandwidth are also low.
  • You are planning to manage most used CMS like Joomla,, Kentico, or WordPress.
  • Require less Bandwidth, disk space and transfer rates.
  • You cannot afford any data loss

Does starter shared hosting plans are good for CMS like WordPress?

Its depends upon the choice that you have made for getting hosting plans, most companies have their own way of doing business, allot of companies offer hosting plan that are good for any CMS, In Dubai, UAE we  are suggested UAESOL.com, company serving their clients across middle east since 2007. The starter hosting plans that company offer even have 1 GB disk space and 10 email accounts, that more then enough for any newbie website.

Check out starter Shared hosting plans in UAE

Can I Upgrade Shared Hosting for Another Plan?

Yes! You can do it any time with UAESOL, top web host in UAE, as you company grow you can upgrade you hosting plan at any time.

For starting Which plan is Good – Linux or Windows?

Its depends upon your website, if you are hosting a site that is designed in ASP .Net then windows based hosting in your need. If your website is PHP based then Linux Web hosting is  final choice for you.

Windows Shared hosting Plan in UAE

Linux shared Hosting Plans in UAE

What are the data centers? Which Data centers is best for Hosting a site?

Data center is the physical location of your server in which your site is hosted, various companies offer different data centers, but we prefer USA, and Canada based data centers. The advantage to host in these data centers are: you will have a low ping time and can target your internet audience with a website that have low load time.

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