Free Blog Hosting is not good enough:
Free blog are not good enough for making money. Those who want to make money self hosted blog is perfect for them Free blog are just so limited that’s why its not a good decision for move toward Free blog host.
Limited control:
One main reason that move toward the free host is that its limited your control Most free blogs don’t allow you to tweak the coding. This might be not valuable for newbie bloggers but one day they will in need it. Blog that run into your own frame work might be difficult to built in free blogging.
Not Good for Google ranking:
Most of blogger well known that Google does not give weight to free blogs if search rank is concern. Question is this that why Google not rank free blogs? This is because that Google don’t rank them as being as authoritative.
you may also love to read: What is the Best Blog Hosting
You can’t own it:
In my opinion one of the major drawback of free blog are that you don’t really own your blog but provider does it all. So why you work hard for years to build up that don’t you fully own.
Design options are Limited:
When you host your site in a reliable server with your own domain you will have full freedom to design your site or blog according to your desires. Full freedom to hire a designer or upload a free theme for your blog. On the other hand you can’t do this operation with free web hosted site.
Not good for branding:
Most of the people don’t familiar with that how important is domain name for branding or services. Some of free web hosting services provide offer better services but its mostly the area of paid web hosting services provider companies. To be successful its more important that work with your own website to building up your brand.
In simple word the most reliable and professional way to have a good internet appearance your own domain name and host is perfect.
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